Leave Work Stress at Work for More Life Balance


In the past I could've been the poster child of work stress. I thought in order to get anywhere I had to be seen to be going all in, putting in 150% effort at work and also at home. I realised I was like a firecracker. I would create a spectacular result but [...]

Leave Work Stress at Work for More Life Balance2021-02-22T01:06:41+00:00

Shaming yourself Grateful and The Dangers – An extension of Toxic Positivity


The shame of the should-be attitude of gratitude and it’s dangers - an extension of toxic positivity  I am coming across a collective of clients in my practice who are are feeling: Blessed by their lives but also not happy   Have negative feelings or uncomfortable sensations within themselves yet disregard them and [...]

Shaming yourself Grateful and The Dangers – An extension of Toxic Positivity2019-09-18T07:46:02+00:00

Video: Life Tips from a Cancer Nurse


 When you work with people every single day who are facing the toughest challenge of their life, fighting cancer, you  start to see life from a different perspective yourself. It can change you in ways that you'd never imagine. When I was 24 I had a massive tumour growing in my head that [...]

Video: Life Tips from a Cancer Nurse2019-09-18T08:05:38+00:00

The Only Mothers Day Gift that Matters


I've hit the big Time!! I've been initiated, my very first Mothers Day! My partner asked me what I wanted, even though he so happily keeps reminding him that I'm not "HIS" mother. My baby is nearly one so I spend my days, like a member of the coast guard. Always watching, always [...]

The Only Mothers Day Gift that Matters2018-05-08T01:43:51+00:00
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