It’s too good to be true! “Follow your intuition”, they say and all will be well.

You feel it?

That teeny nudging in your heart or that littlest whisper echoing around your head telling you which direction to turn or which bridge to leap off.

Not really, it’s never going to tell you to leap off a bridge unless not leaping off a bridge may result in disaster.

But, it’s scary listening to that little voice.

Maybe it’s trying to tell you to face the music.


Raise your hand and be honest with yourself and fess up;

“you know what, I’m really not ok”


Is it just brain noise, overthinking. aaarrhh, now I’m confused, is it intuition or my own mind or if you believe in having spiritual guides is it just them.

“Now I’m stuffed, I don’t know what to do,’

So you just do nothing.

I did this exact thing for years……

I felt that my first career, my business, the thing I worked so hard on and at the time was making me a shizz load of money (for the standard of being in your early 20″s) was not what I should be doing.


I wondered where these thoughts came from.

Maybe…. I’m just making it all up in my head, being a big pussy because somedays it was hard.

Maybe it was the voice of the quitter inside of me “I’m not a pussy quitter” I’d tell myself.


This is the big huge problem of your intuition.

it hardly EVER makes sense to your rational, logical mind.

Arhhhhh. I said it.

Sometimes I just want to smack my intuition, like a bloody mosquito.

It gives me the shits to no end like when you’re trying to go to sleep and your hear bzzzzz bzzzzz bzzz around your head.

There’s that mosquito I want to pulverise!

I actually have an inventory list of times I wanted to smack my intuition out. He’s very insignificant amount of them:

It wanted me to abandon my career I worked so hard at. As you can tell by this I eventually did!

I wanted to buy a new car so bad, I found the one I wanted, price was good but my intuition was like “nooooooo, don’t”. Damn! I did listen and turns out I was about to find out I had a huge tumour in my head. Not good timing for a new car loan. Thanks on that one.

When I was on a working holiday for a year in Canada, I let my intuition guide me to where I was going to live. My mind chose another town I’d visited before (so it was a little familiar) but my intuition was like “yeah right as if it’s going to be that easy”. It lead me right to where I needed to be but I turned up on the bus, never been there before not knowing which way to turn. Literally, left or right.. Where is the hostel. Turns out 2 guys from my home town were living there. One of them called me his big Sis. I had a surrogate family there.

This was funny! I had a dream one night (this is when I was looking to change careers) that I got a job in a gym. So without even an iota of experience I decided to apply for a job in a gym and I got it. That one was mildly easy, except I was working as a TAFE teacher earning around 50 bucks an hour and I my new gym wage was a laughable 17.50 an hour. That part of it, didn’t sting like a bee, more like a swarm of wasps. My Dad never let me hear the end of it.

See… Intuitive nudges aren’t hardly ever  logical.

But, every single one led me to where I needed to be. It kept me on my soul path. Connected to what I knew was right.

Partners HATE intuitive decisions


You know why….

They are not logical.

That reminds me!

I watched the movie P.S I Love You. I was single at the time and I thought to myself

‘I wouldn’t mind a hunk that looks like Gerard Butler”.

Total manifesting win!!

I go the the gym a few days later and I see an absolute hottie that looks like Gerard Butler. Oh yeah bring it on!

After a few weeks of flirtatious chit chat. We go on a date. I am like hubba hubba!!

He is digging me baby. After the first date ended in making plans for another date my intuition is coming down on me like a tonne of bricks!

It’s saying “nope, not on your path, not right for you”

I’m trying to reason with it, like it’s a person:

“Um but he’s hot as heck”

“Did you not see the bod on him”

“He’s even funny, and called me babe”

“No can do Sister” my intuition is saying.

I threw a tantrum, ignored the intuition and continued to see him.

He wasn’t an axe murderer or anything or even a cyber stalker.

We had fun, it was great but I always had that feeling that “this isn’t quite right”

So, much to my Mums heart ache I had to break up with the Gerard Butler look a like.

In case you’re an article skimmer like me and missed it the first time the big huge problem of your intuition is:

It’s guidance isn’t always logical

So dish it…..

What has your intuition been telling you lately?

What’s the nudge, the little feeling  you’re swatting away?

Oh, I’d love to hear it

I’ve had so many tantrum moments thanks to my intuition but

it really does keep me connected to my Soul Path, what I feel I am destined to be doing in this lifetime.

From my heart to yours

Larissa xx