Imagine hearing the news your baby only has a 30% chance of living. Today I share an extraordinary story of turning grief into a way to give back. Melanie McKenzie shares her heart breaking yet heart warming story of her little boy Harrison and how she navigated the tumultuous times of carrying and delivering her beautiful baby not knowing if or how long he would survive.

Melanie is the Founder of Harrisons Little Wings. Harrison’s Little Wings supports women and their families who receive a poor or fatal diagnosis in pregnancy. Harrison’s Little Wings supports families in a non-clinical, practical way that relieves the every day stress of discovering the news they have a high risk pregnancy.  They provide practical support services to families throughout Queensland and with funding, they want to extend their support services nationally.

Help Melanie and her team of caring volunteers fulfill their vision of expanding nationally. Donate HERE TODAY

Here’s a quick snapshot of today’s podcast:

 1: The day you hear your baby only has only a 30% chance of survival

2: What Harrisons Mission and Purpose was

3: How Harrisons Little Wings was born

4: What Harrisons Little Wings does to give back

5: How you can help Harrisons Little Wing Expand Nationally

Listen below and be swept away in this amazing story

Help Melanie and her team of caring volunteers fulfill their vision of expanding nationally. Donate HERE TODAY

Harrisons Little Wings Facebook Page: HERE

Harrisons Little Wings Instagram Page: HERE

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