Do you sometime experience this? You’re either not in the mood because you’re tired or stressed or want to be in the mood but can’t stop thinking about other things.
If your mind is racing around with to do items or worries then you’re no doubt in a stressed state, which means your heart rate may be elevated, and not because you’re the good kind of excited, and blood may be pumping more to your extremities than your love making areas areas.
If you’re busy and your mind is on overtime then you may feel disconnected to your physical body, which is not at all useful for feeling in the mood or getting In the mood.
If your partner is the spontaneous type then it’s not like you can enjoy a warm relaxing bath beforehand, some meditation or light yoga.
Watch the video or listen to the podcast for more detail but here’s the quick recap;
- Take a long calming breath in and then enjoy an audible sigh with your mouth open so the stress in your jaw and shoulders melt away.
- Start to belly breath, slowing down your breathing rate a little
- Become fully present and aware of the moment, noticing sensations all the sensations of the present moment – touch, smell, feelings etc
And then if that doesn’t work give your mind another job to do and instead of focusing on something stressful focus on something nurturing, that makes you feel good, in my Mums case Patrick Swayzes hunky neck!!
To live the life of everyday Inspiration, learning to enjoy intimate moments with your self and loved one is a must.
Really Learn to enjoy the finer things in life.
Remember, your FREE Ebook Guide – The 5 Signs you’re Ready for Change – Click HERE
I’ll see you next week
From my heart to yours