Enjoy this Beautiful Sunrise Yoga Flow.
Yoga is a great way to de-stress, nourish your mind and your body.
Yoga Flow is a Hatha based Flow Vinyasana style of class that links movement (asana) with the breath. It blends balance, strength, flexibility and power. Our style overcomes the mystery of yoga by delivering a practical, user-friendly format, which is accessible, understandable and doable by individuals at any level of fitness.
Remember if you’re new to exercise and especially if you have any injuries, gain Doctors permission before you embark on the beautiful journey of Yoga.
A big thank you to the gorgeous twins Amy and Angela Stephens for participating in this video.
From my Heart to Your’s, enjoy xx
P.s If you’d like to receive more tips to create more inspiration and less Stress in your life then sign up to our Newsletter. It may even change your life 🙂