There was a time when I thought the answer to my problems was to lose weight and look like the girls in Cleo magazine. C,mon they looked carefree, happy, confident and seem to snag any hot bloke sunbathing at the edge of the water. So I did! I shed that unwanted flab, toned up and started hauling some fitness ass.
The problem was the glistening new look on the outside didn’t match the feelings on the inside. The 15kg fat loss, grueling gym sessions and physical transformation didn’t transform the way I felt on the inside. GRRR!! What!!!!
I found out pretty quickly that all those years of thinking that somehow my life would be perfect if only I was looking fit, fab and foxy was all just one big illusion. Nope! It didn’t quite cut the mustard. I still felt un – loved, stressed, lost and down on myself.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved looking thinner. I still felt that I didn’t measure up some how, even though my measurements were down. Pretty Ironic huh?
After working in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years I realize now it’s actually quite a common occurrence when people finally shed those unwanted kg’s? They get there and think “oh, is this it. The big drum rolling moment of the body reveal”, and feel great for 5 minutes and then feel let down.
At first I didn’t know. I floundered around for a while, still messing up any good thing that came my way. I hadn’t yet got that light bulb moment that realization that it’s ME creating these feelings, my thoughts, feelings and actions. So off to a Tony Robbins Event I went. I was ready to Unleash the Power Within. Maybe he had the answers….
Wow! This was an amazing 4 day event. I learned so much. I set real goals and had a clear vision in my mind as to where I’m headed and what I’d love my life to look like. Here goes….
3 weeks after the event I hit a wall, I found out I was pregnant. It wasn’t to love of my life either. “Shit, there goes the grand plan, the goals, the hopes and the dreams”.
This was a stressful period and I miscarried at 13 weeks. Life went on and 6 months later I hit a low. What was this thing called life all about? Nothing ever seems to work out!
Then I discovered the great discovery.
I was ready to learn, to find out, to really do this thing, you know change my friggan life, change myself from the inside out. “I don’t care what it costs or what it takes” I thought to myself. I had had enough struggle, self – doubt and pain. Then I seen an ad on T.V for a FREE event in Sydney. I like to follow my heart and my heart was telling me to go, so I did.
A man by the name of Dr John Demartini was hosting the event. He looked pretty nerdie to me, so maybe he has the answers. I can’t even remember what he said that night but I signed up to his 2 day Breakthrough event maxing out my credit card. My life has never been the same. This event changed my life for ever. For the first time I felt as though the fog had lifted, the sun was shining and I could feel the warmth of life embracing my soul.
I dissolved feelings of resentment, shame and no longer felt like a victim to challenge, hardship and failed health happening TO me. I could now see clearly how it was happening FOR me. I was empowered, strong and ready to live my life to the fullest. Then I thought…. how could I not share this with others…..
My love is now sharing and teaching others how to see their own light, how to blaze the way and truly transform from within. I learned first hand that NOTHING and I mean NOTHING from without will ever satisfy the soul more than your own connection and understanding of the essence of your life.
All I would love for you to know is that if you or anyone else you know are doubting life, doubting themselves, feeling stuck, low, off track, or confused then this is a temporary feeling.
The path to ultimate love and freedom starts with YOU. There is nothing on the outside that can give you this feeling. Listen to your own inner guidance and take action as NO one else can do it for you.
Read books, go to events, take action until you find what works for you.
The Ultimate path to Love and Freedom is Loving from the inside out.
In Love and wisdom