Gain Perspective to solve your Problems


Sometimes to gain another perspective you just need to look at things in a different way. There are 7 billion realities in this world as we each have our own very unique view of the world. Everyone wears their own set of glasses in which they view the world. Depending on the colour [...]

Gain Perspective to solve your Problems2018-08-18T02:27:38+00:00

You are Exactly as you Need to be Right now! Really You are


You are exactly as you need to be right now! The universe doesn’t make mistakes! (but I know you like to think it does, I know your mind will wrestle with this)! Yes, you can choose to change! If you like. Thinking someone else should change is saying the universe has got it [...]

You are Exactly as you Need to be Right now! Really You are2018-08-18T02:36:27+00:00

Stillness is the New Black


When someone asked you "how's life", do you answer with either "busy" or "stressed"? Between soldiering on, going hard or going home and "making sweat your best accessory' (yes I got this from a fitness blog), valuing time to stop, reflect, contemplate and connect has fallen by the wayside in todays frantic society. Relaxing [...]

Stillness is the New Black2019-03-13T06:58:48+00:00

The Only Mothers Day Gift that Matters


I've hit the big Time!! I've been initiated, my very first Mothers Day! My partner asked me what I wanted, even though he so happily keeps reminding him that I'm not "HIS" mother. My baby is nearly one so I spend my days, like a member of the coast guard. Always watching, always [...]

The Only Mothers Day Gift that Matters2018-05-08T01:43:51+00:00

Podcast: Self Support for Success


Why are you so hard on yourself? Lets face it, YOU'RE the one usually MOST hardest on yourself. Why?  Self Support is one of your greatest cheerleaders in creating the life, business, or feelings of fulfilment you crave . One of my amazing coaching clients has an abundantly popular podcast show. Each month I [...]

Podcast: Self Support for Success2019-02-25T07:08:18+00:00

Podcast: There’s No Timetable for Success


One of my amazing coaching clients has an abundantly popular podcast show. Each month I get invited to be a guest to have a fun and exciting chat on a topic that literally evolves before we start recording. We like to keep ourselves in suspense so even we get inspired by what comes [...]

Podcast: There’s No Timetable for Success2019-02-25T07:07:53+00:00

Podcast: Are your Goals Right for You


Angela Raspass is an extraordinary woman with an even more extraordinary story. She works with female entrepreneurs with a unique blend of marketing and mindset support to help women in their 40’s and beyond flourish in a “Your Next Chapter”® business. I've been working with Angela as her Mindset Coach for many years now and [...]

Podcast: Are your Goals Right for You2017-03-09T00:56:30+00:00

Pimp out your Meditation Practice


Pimp out Your Meditation Practice Most modern gals like to accessorise these days to enhance their look and creature comforts in life, so why not accessories your meditation practice to enhance that too. It may even deepen your practice. Today I share my modern day pimp outs that make practicing meditation a little easier [...]

Pimp out your Meditation Practice2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

What’s My Purpose? Here’s How to Find It


 Are you looking for your life purpose?  Read this post and by the end you will know your purpose. Lately I've seen "You need to find your Purpose" popping up on many advertising banners and it appears to be a popular marketing lure. I have coaching clients calling me up frantic, because they "NEED TO KNOW THEIR [...]

What’s My Purpose? Here’s How to Find It2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

Gut Feeling or Brain Noise? How to Tell the Difference!


Is it Gut Feeling or Brain Noise? Intuition or Infatuation? As if life isn't confusing enough without having to navigate the intricate workings of Gut feeling or Intuition VS Brain noise or shiny object syndrome (otherwise known as infatuation). Many people refer to gut feelng or intuition as the whispers of the soul, but [...]

Gut Feeling or Brain Noise? How to Tell the Difference!2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

The Calming Breath 1:2 Ratio Breathing


The Calming Breath 1:2 Ratio Breathing Ever had some crazy on the road, cut you off at the lights? Before the obscenities started and your blood started boiling, you might have noticed your breath became short and sharp. We say things like "ohh, that took my breath away", "I'm short on breath","I gasped at the [...]

The Calming Breath 1:2 Ratio Breathing2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

Journalling Tips


Journalling Tips and Hints to Create a Healing Journal of Self discovery Journalling can conjure up images of that zitty brace faced teenager pouring her heart out about her first boy crush and creating super-max security on those words so that if any one reads them, their retina's will burn out. But.... Journalling is [...]

Journalling Tips2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

What is Mindfulness – Here’s an Easy Exercise to do


What is Mindfulness?  An Easy Mindfulness Exercise Mindfulness is all about, quite simply learning to be in the present moment. It's about washing away all the mind chitter chatter, useless bulls&%t and worrisome thoughts and quite frankly learning to BE in the moment, yet also learning to honour the moment as it is right [...]

What is Mindfulness – Here’s an Easy Exercise to do2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

7 Winter Wellness Tips to Stay Productive and Feeling Refreshed


Tiny Tip of the Week: WINTER WELLNESS TIPS TO STAY PRODUCTIVE AND FEELING REFRESHED Bears get to get down and cosy for a nice snuggly rest during the Winter months, but what about you? Life keeps on keeping on, and sometimes there's no missing a beat. Years ago I used to burn the candle at [...]

7 Winter Wellness Tips to Stay Productive and Feeling Refreshed2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00

Heart Centred Self Connection Exercise


Tiny Tip of the Week: Heart Centred Self Connection Exercise So you have dreams, a purpose maybe even a mission in your life BUT..... Sometimes do you get pulled in so many directions you don't know whether you're Arthur or Marthur! This weeks tip is a beautiful self connection exercise. Give it a go! Please excuse [...]

Heart Centred Self Connection Exercise2017-01-27T03:40:49+00:00
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